Carbon Management Strategy-Decarbonization Roadmap Project
In accordance with our understanding of environmentally respectful production, we started Carbon Management Strategy and Decarbonization Roadmap project in our packaging group companies, guided by scientific studies and the regulations we are subject to. We carry out the project under the consultancy of a CDP accredited company Semtrio. The first phase of our two-stage project includes the making carbon footprint inventory of our packaging group companies and the calculation of their corporate carbon footprints. cloud based ConnectorPro software is used for carbon footprint calculation. Our companies calculate their direct and indirect emissions through the software in line with the greenhouse gas resource inventories created within the scope of the project. Results and progress towards reduction targets are monitored from the centre through the software's admin panel. In the second phase of our project, the carbon reduction targets of our companies for 2030 will be determined and a decarbonization road map will be created. In this context, carbon footprint contribution of growth scenarios and reduction actions will be studied with strategy, production, procurement and logistics units and the optimum carbon footprint target for 2030 will be determined for each company. Our Carbon Management Strategy and Decarbonization Roadmap will enable us to progress rapidly and systematically in tackling climate change, which is among the top priorities of our sustainability strategy.
Sustainability Strategy Project
We see the sustainability strategy as the basis for taking firm steps forward in our sustainability journey. We started the sustainability strategy development project under the consultancy of Ernst & Young, who has both global and local experience in this field. The sustainability strategy to be developed as a result of the project will be at the centre of our business strategy. Within the scope of the project, the sustainability strategy and roadmap will be created in line with the priority issues to be determined according to the results of the current situation and stakeholder analysis. Sustainability committees will be established with their defined structures and working methods for adopting and execution of the sustainability strategy across the company. With our Sustainability Strategy, we will take firm steps towards our sustainability goals.